I'm trying to decide between Tumblr and Posterous. Why? I am moving away from Wordpres as a blog and want to use www.aaronmclay.com as a Business Card type site w/ a link to my "blog." Let's list the pro's and cons for each shall we?
Posterous - Pros
- Autopost Feature !!!
- Commenting Feature (with autopost to twitter/facebook)
- Multimedia Support
- Nice Picture gallery
- Email seems pretty easy
- Google Maps intergration makes my heart happy.
Tumblr - Pros
- "Lifecasting" - RSS Import !!!
- Customizable Themes !!!
- Multimedia Support
- Photosets are pretty freaking cool
- Can Add more "stuff" to sides
- iPhone App
Right now I'm leaning towards Tumblr because of all the cool features but, Autopost and comments are a high priority. I can solve both of those problems but they won't be easy. I'm going to start with Tumblr and see where I go. More soon.