iPad Video Test in Austin

The video embedded below is one I took on Saturday, March 24, 2012 at Muller Lake Park. I was really working on my skills to shoot, edit and publish a video all from the new iPad.

It's not as easy as it looks. Web writing is hard in the SquareSpace app and I'm probably going to try again using the ByWord app. Also the SquareSpace app isn't retina ready and I'm surprised they have no video embed process for writing.

Getting The YouTube Embed Code

Once I published the video to YouTube I had an awful time trying to find the embed code. However a quick search lead me to this video which explained how I could go to Tools 4 Noobs and use their Embed Code Generator and be done with the entire thing.

It's a bit ridiculous but it's a fast work around.

Henry Blodget: "Television; Disruption Inevitable"

The Apple II In The Closet